Development Management Trust (DMT)
Development Management Trust (DMT) is a multi-disciplinary action research, survey and consultancy organization. Its work area includes Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Impact evaluation and monitoring, SHG formation, Micro Enterprise Development, Health, Education, Capacity building and Institutional Development. The organization also offers Resettlement Action Plan preparation implementation, evaluation and studies, Socio-economic Survey, PRA Tools development, Economic/Social Cost Benefit Analysis, Training Needs Assessment, Diagnostic Study, Planning and Evaluation including Monitoring Indicators Development in Rural & Regional development sector.
The DMT was set up in the year 1997 as non-profit organisation under Public and Charitable Act–1920 by a group of professional people with the objective of applying modern analytical tools and techniques in applied social science.
Development Management Trust (DMT) has since grown to its present form having a large number of experienced professional from various applied fields. Our team members consist of technical and management experts coming from the top echelons of various professional services. The in-house capabilities are supplemented and strengthened by our panel of associates who are experts with high academic and professional achievements and capabilities.